Friday, January 23, 2009

The Connection

My job is cool for alot of reasons, but one of the things I love most are the people that I meet through the radio station. I do interviews on Up Close and get a few e-mails about the Vinyl Years, and I've made a few friends through both. Jeremy Huff started e-mailing about the Vinyl Years right after we started the show. Shortly after he started e-mailing, I found out he was a drummer and had rubbed shoulders with some fairly big names during his time in California, so, I got him on Up Close. He and I developed a friendship, through our mutual interest in all things music and that led to an interview with Shannan Wright, the lead singer and guitarist in the band the Wright Brothers, which has it's roots in Concordia. Anyway.............................Jeremy called me last Sunday and said Shannan was at his house and they were jamming and I should come over. I knew they had been talking for a few months about getting together and "possibly" putting some material together and maybe performing again. Needless to say, I couldn't get there fast enough. What an experience! I stayed for about 2 hours and heard some of the most incredible sounds I've ever heard from two very talented musicians. These guys hadn't played together in 9 years, but had I not known that, I would have guessed they were still playing and recording together. Even more amazing than their playing was the connection they seemed to have. A look, a riff or a beat and one would play off the other. No cover tunes either; all original stuff! Stay tuned, because I would bet you'll be able to catch these guys playing somewhere in the near future and I promise you won't be disappointed!

1 comment:

Rocky said...

To follow up with Flip, I saw video of Jeremy on drums in concert...the man's got some chops!!!

Flip has promised I get a call for the next jam session...